วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

What The Buddha taught a ruler’s a good example

At the age of w seven years old when Lahula, the son of Buddha ordained as a novice, Buddha emphasized to teach and guide often his son to be a good novice such as Lahulovada sutta  etc. It was why Ven. Lahula was a good example who obeyed the instruction of The Buddha and others who were wise. Without good guidance mentally and physically the children cannot be good and educated citizens. Even though we captivate a tree, we need to pour water to it. In the same way, when people want to develop their country, they need to cultivate their leader well. Without good cause, good effect will not be brought about. The Buddha taught King Pasenadi of Kosala how much a good leader is important as the following.
The Buddha discussed the principle with King Pasenadi of Kosala. He told the king he should train himself to have a good friends, good associates, and good companions. Having a good friends, he should dwell with diligence in wholesome things: offering, morality and meditation.
Then The Buddha explained how this example set by the king ( the ruler) would affect the the people of kingdom: king’s wives, the noblemen at court, the troops, and all people in the towns and in the countryside would see how the king was diligent in wholesome things, and then  t hey would be inspired also to be diligent in doing wholesome things, the kings, his wives and his proverty would be well protected. To be reborn at the time of such virtuous kings is time-achievement ( kalasampatti), at such time, the people are taught not to kill  sentient beings especially human being, not to steal, not to engage in sexual misconduct, not to tell lies, not to drink intoxicants, and they are taught to be moderate in eating. And seeing that their ruler is   in this way virtuous, they also become virtuous; seeing how their ruler practices the four diving abiding (cattaro brahma vihara) : loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity. They also do so.

“Why do our children not develop just as the children of others?” said some parents. Actually children really need good guidance of their parent. We should not blame our children why they are not claver and educated children. If they have good guidance, they can mostly develop their lives well like the children of others. In the same way  if the people cultivate their leader well, they will possess the good future and a progressive country. It is dependant origination. 

Kalyana mitta Sutta,Dutiya Vagga, Kosala Samyutta, Sagatha Vagga Samyutta, 
Samyutta Nikaya, Suttanta Pitaka.
Pa-Auk tawya Saya daw. The wrking of kamma (2008).Penang:
Penang Buddhist Association.Malaysia.

