2An ox would be killed. When a Theravada Buddhist monk in Sri. lanka, Asia saw it, he bought it. Then the ox respected the monk, Even though animals know to be grateful, human beings should be careful to be grateful, shouldn't they be? Gratitude(katannuta) is one of (38) supreme blessings(Mangalas) in Buddhism. Many Buddhists in Myanmar(Burma) abstain eating meat of ox, cow and buffalo. Venerable Ledy Sayadaw taught people to avoid eating meat because they help people to harrow fields to cultivate crops. Gratitude provides the world beautifully and happily. Boddhi satta (Future-Buddha) was the most grateful because he wanted all sentient beings who were his parents in past life to free from cycle of birth and death (Samsara) and he decided to become The Buddha.To become the Buddha he had to practice The Ten Perfections(Dasa Parami) such as Generosity(Dana) Morality(sila) Renunciation(Nekkhama) etc.If A person who is grateful to one should be been grateful, he will succeeds his purpose easily and progress in his life. 

Ven. Talawatugoda Saddhamangala Thero, a Theravada Buddhist monk,Chief Incumbent and a grateful ox in Sri Lumbini Viveka Senasanaya, Koswatta, Sri. Lanka, Asia. 2011.
The photo given by Ven. Siri nanda, Sri Lankan monk.