วันพุธที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554



Buddhism and science are same to test and investigate information according to its cause and effect. To believe an event or information, we use to be mindful it so that we will not lose our job etc. in future. Every job which is succeeded is brought about by good researchers. Great men in the world reflect what was right and what was wrong in past and take it as the lesson to decide it carefully and reach their goal safely. In Buddhism, research is Dhammavicaya called investigation of all phenomen ( as they truly are). Buddha taught thirty-seven requisites of Enlightenment in Abhiddhamma. It is the first one of seven constituents of Enlightenment so that a meditator realizes Ninnana.

What is Research?

“Investigation or experimentation aimed at the  discovery and interpretation of facts”.
“The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts  and reach new conclusions”.
      Research =  Re – Search – Repeatedly searching.
      If you want to discover something not fathomable  or not easily comprehend, you have to search it for repeatedly. That is the exact meaning of the word  research.

The Purpose of Research

Research is a journey where we may discover what we anticipated through our investigation.
We may have some hypothesis or imagination.we try to find out that hypothesis as a reality.
 We will try to say that it is not an imagination but it is a reality. That is a very purpose of a research. e.g. Satellite

The Benefit of Researches

On theoretical matters also more researches have been done. In Buddhism various Buddhist teachers were engaged in research activities. Therefore they were able to form philosophical theories which were created philosophical traditions such as Sarvastivada,
   Sautrantika, Madhyamaka and Yogacara. These are four major philosophical traditions in Buddhism. These traditions were emerged due to good researches.

In Buddhism -Pali word for Research

Buddhism has followed many researches from the very beginning. In fact the Buddha was the primary researcher to find the Path of Freedom, (Vimutti Magga). Therefore Buddhism encourage to use research from the beginning. The Pali word for Research is
  ‘Pariyesana’. Sanskrit ‘Paryesana’ English equivalent is given as “Search”. In Sinhala,
  Sri Lankan language, the word ‘Paryesana’ is Used for academic research. Normally it is mentioned      like ‘Paryesana for Ph.D.’- ‘M.A.
 Paryesana’- “He is engaged in a Paryesana these days.”
 This Pali word Pariyesana is mentioned in the Majjhima Nikaya  (Middle Length Saying) in the Discourse called “The Discourse of Noble Search” (Ariya Pariyesana Sutta). Sutta No.2

Beauty of the Research

As it with everything, with Research also has a beauty. This research will lead the researcher
 to a unknown destination. In this travel of research he will discover very valuable results,
  which he has never thought of. When they discover these new theories it will lead them to enormous happiness. Some researchers will be thrilled with those discoveries and behave
 abnormally.  e.g. Archimede.

How to Proceed with a Research

Academic researches are conducted to write a Thesis or a Dissertation. Thesis is for M.A. Degree or M.Phil. Degree. Dissertation is for Ph.D. Degree.
One has to follow the University regulations to proceed in this type of research work to obtain those degrees of M.A. or M.Phil.  - Ph.D.

Selecting Subject and the field

   Topic is a Key factor of a research.
 In order to select the topic one must first chose the subject for a research and select the field of that subject. He must undergo thorough study in his field to select a topic. When you thoroughly study your field of subject you may come across, some problems, some of the places where necessary to clarify more for readers to understand, some points need an analytical approach.
Selecting a topic

n  There are two ways of selecting a topic.
1. Selecting a topic with the consultation of the
2. You as a researcher you can select the topic
    according to your own wishes.
 These both the ways have advantages and disadvantages both.

Formulating a Topic
n  Must not select a wider topic. Must select a
 limited topic.
e.g.:- “Critical Evaluation of Pali Sutta Pitaka”  - Topic with a wider range.
e.g.:-  “Crtitical Evaluation of Brahmajala Sutta of Digha Nikaya” – Topic with a  Limited range.

Search for Sources

n  In a research it is very important to find the Original sources. In Buddhist studies one must find original sources and then secondary sources also should use for more information.
n  Sources are more important in a research. All the facts necessary to complete the research will be drawn from sources.
n  There are some topics difficult to find sources.
e.g.:- “Whether the Buddha was blamed by people, because mostly youngsters were ordained.”

Must pay the attention to the time frame

n  When engage in a research it is important to
    pay attention to the time factor.
  There is a time limit for a Research.
  For M.A. with Research. -  2 years. (Max.3)
  For Ph.D.    - 3 years. (Max. 5 Years)
 Therefore it is very important to start with more
 prepared means must finalized in stipulated time.

Synopsis writing

n  When the candidate decides a Topic for a Research and obtained an application form, he must handover the completed application  form with a Synopsis.
n  When candidate complete the application form he  must mention his/her present academic qualifications.
n  Mention for what is the  Degree that he is  applying. For M.A. or Ph.D.
What is a Synopsis?
n  It is a comprehensive summery of your intended research project.
n  It should be not longer than 4-5 pages.
n  Normally this synopsis have to handover with the application at the beginning of 1st semester.
n  In some Universities when you submit synopsis you must make a presentation also  
   at least 10-15 minutes at the end of 1st semester.

What should be included in the Synopsis?

1. Title
2. Introduction to the title
3. Importance of this research
       4. Literature review
   5. Methodology
   6. Breakdown of chapters
   7. Conclusion
   8. Bibliography
   9. Appendix

What should be included in the synopsis?

1. Title
2. Introduction on the Title.
3. The importance of this research and why  you have selected this particular topic.
4. If there are any research done on the same topic or on the line of this topic those things must be mentioned and how you change your research from those works.

5. Methodology

 How you are doing this research. After thorough
Study of original Pali sources and collecting materials compare with sub commentary details and so on.
If it is a survey conducted in a particular area
How the data collection, with a questionnaire and what are type of people you are going to meet and so on.
6. Breakdown of chapters.
n  Each chapter should be given a title of the chapter and explain with two or three sentences what are the matters you intended to discuss in those chapters.
7. Conclusion.
8. Bibliography.
9. Appendix
6. Breakdown of chapters.
n  Each chapter should be given a title of the chapter and explain with two or three sentences what are the matters you intended to discuss in those chapters.
7. Conclusion.
8. Bibliography.
9. Appendix
8. Bibliography.
9. Appendix


n  Your application with the Synopsis if approved by the Academic Board after review
   the candidate will be virtually registered for the Research Degree Program.
n  Then the Supervisor will be appointed by the
   Academic Board.
n  Now the candidate is engaged in the Research
   according to the guidance given by the Supervisor.

Proceed in a Research

n  When the candidate engage in research work he has to get an appointment to meet the supervisor.
n  You have to meet the supervisor regularly.
   That means when the candidate finished sub-section of one chapter or a chapter. He must hand over it to the supervisor for his advise.
n  If you have a student card you have to get his signature each time you meet him.

Footnotes or EndNote

n  When you write something you must write foot notes or endnotes wherever necessary.
n  If you are referring to a Books. There are  two ways of giving reference.
     MLA type and APA Type.
  1. Bhattacharya, N.N. Buddhism in the History of Indian Ideas, Delhi. Manohar. Print.
  2. Author’s surname first, then his first name, then the Title of the Book, Place of the publication, Publisher and the year.
  3. APA Type
  4. Bhattacharya, N.N. (1993). Buddhism in the History of Indian Ideas. Delhi, Manohar.
   Here the difference is the year of  Publication comes just after the names and the place of publication mentions in shorten form e.g. New York = NY.

What are the components of the Thesis?

n  Title Page
n  Declaration
n  Dedication
n  Acknowledgement
n  Content
n  Abstract
n  1st Chapter – Introduction
n  2nd Chaper -  Literature Survey
n  3rd Chapter – Relevant to the Thesis
n  4th chapter  -       “         “   “     “  
n  5th  Chapter -      “         “    “    “
n  6th  Chapter -      “         “    “    “
n  7th  Chapter  -     Conclusion
n  8th   Bibliograpy
n  9th   Index       

What are the components of the Thesis?

n  Title Page
 1. Must include the Title of the Thesis
 2. Name of the candidate and the Registration Number
  3. For what Degree this submission is done.
  4. Name of the Supervisor
  5. Name of the University

n  Declaration

  Candidate and the supervisor both have to certify this Thesis is a research done by the candidate himself.

n   Abstract

    This is the short summery of the study.
    Limit it to 150-200.

n  Introduction

   The comprehensive background to the study.
   You can explain the historical perspective for your study area.

n    Literature Review

    Describe relevant previous studies in the field.
n     Conclusion

   Describe what really you have been aiming at this Thesis and what kind of new points and new theories you could have discovered and how your findings are different from the previous other studies.


  You must include all the books, Articles and
  Magazines you used in this research in the Bibliography.   
n  You must not included the sources you did not read or sources that are not pertinent to your study in the bibliography.
n  In the bibliography authors names should be written in Alphabetical order.
n  Bibliography can be divided into sub-sections

   such as:- 1. Original Sources. 2. Secondary
   Sources 3. Articles in the Journals 4. Book
   Reviews 5. Electronic References.


When you do a Thesis on the subject of Buddhist Studies it is necessary to have index
   because of the mostly Pali and Sanskrit terms are involved.

 Most important things to keep in Mind

n   Efficient time management
n  Avoid Plagiarism  


Every University in the world encourages to research  any kinds of work. If we understand the method of research, we can use it in our activities. Because scientists research and create many things,  the world has been progressed quickly.


 Kariyawasam Tilak. (2011). Research Methodology.International Buddhist College.

Myint Swe U  by (Dhammācariya, B.A.(hons), M.A.(London). (2000). A study of Abhidhamm, science of mind and matter,Mandalay: Mandalay Buddhist academy Press.

